If you’re like many Americans, you might often wonder if you’re paying too much for your auto insurance premiums. You’ve likely searched the internet for ways to cut costs. There are several things to assess when looking at your premium rates and how to reduce them. These tips work whether you’re the only person being covered or if you whole family is on the auto insurance plan…
Don’t Rush… Shop Around
There are an abundance of auto insurance companies out there. Each comes with their own policy choices and premiums. Your comparisons should be based upon price, services offered, and consumer ratings. By using a trusted insurance broker, you can shop multiple companies at one time. This will give you insight to many plan options and allow you compare prices on similar policies to determine which is the best fit.
Only Get What You Need
If you drive an older car, you might look into liability insurance versus full or collision coverage. Review your policy for add-ons that you might not need or be using enough to justify the cost, particularly if you are a low mileage driver. With time, your insurance needs change so we advise meeting with an insurance broker periodically to asses your needs and make adjustments accordingly.
Consider Insurance Costs when Purchasing Vehicles
The car you own makes a difference in your monthly auto insurance premium. Car insurance companies base premiums partially on the price of the car, the cost of anticipated repairs, the safety record, and how likely it would be for it to be stolen. Contact your insurance broker prior to buying a new or used vehicle to see how it might impact your monthly payments.
Think About Higher Deductibles
Your deductible is the amount that you’ll have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. Higher deductibles decrease the chance of the insurance company having to pay for repairs so therefore premiums are lowered. While you carry a higher risk when choosing an auto policy with a high deductible, your monthly premium is lower and you’ll only have to come up with the money in the event of an accident.
Ask About Discounts
Auto insurance companies have their own discounts and reward systems that you might qualify for. You might be able to get a discount based on your driving record, your credit, owning a car with anti-theft devices, being a low mileage or seasonal driver, a student with good grades, a veteran, your age, and more! Your eligibility for discounts can change with time so you should review your policy annually to ensure that you are paying the lowest premium every month.
Rollins Insurance represents multiple A-rated insurance companies to make sure we deliver the most competitive rate packages to our clients in Kentucky and Ohio.
Contact us (859-781-7283) for more information or get a free quote!
About Rollins Insurance
Rollins Insurance is an independent insurance agency providing our clients the best prices with the most coverage possible since 2008. We represent multiple A-rated insurance companies to make sure we deliver the most competitive rate packages to our clients in Kentucky and Ohio. We find that most people are under-insured and over-paying when we meet them. We love what we do and our primary business is Personal Auto, Homeowners, and Life and Health insurance. We are a family-owned and managed business that specializes in providing needs-based insurance services.
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