An auto insurance deductible is what you pay “out of pocket” on a claim before your insurance covers the rest. Collision, comprehensive, uninsured motorist, and personal injury protection coverages all typically have a car insurance deductible. You typically have a choice between a low and high deductible. A low deductible means a higher insurance rate, whereas a high deductible means a lower insurance rate. Auto insurance is not only a must but also a rule of law while driving a car. Deductibles vary by state, but they usually are $100.00, $250.00, $500.00, $1000.00, and $1500. Those are the deductible amounts you would have to pay upfront if you had an accident before the insurance would pay your claim. The choice of a deductible is a big decision because it affects your yearly rate for car insurance.
Comprehensive Coverage
Comprehensive, sometimes called “other than collision” coverage, typically covers damage from fire, vandalism, or falling objects (like a tree or hail). If you’re financing or leasing your car, your lender likely requires comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to yourself, your car, as well as compensating the third party if you are involved in an accident. The option of the deductible for auto insurance is personal. The best solution is to meet the basic needs of the policyholder. Do you want to pay a higher premium or a higher amount at the time of an accident? The aim of the deductible for car insurance is to prevent drivers from using their insurance for small claims. If you had an accident where the damages are $500.00 and your deductible is $500.00, you would not make a claim. You choose the best package to suit your personal needs or how much can you afford to cover the deductible. Would it be easier to pay more monthly and have a $100.00 deductible or pay lots less monthly and have a $1,500.00 deductible? It is best to compare the policy and the cost before deciding what deductible you choose. If you need more information, an insurance provider has many ways to explain the process to you and help you decide upon a deductible for your personal situation.
What Is The Difference Between Collision And Comprehensive Coverage?
Comprehensive provides coverage for events outside your control that are not caused by a collision, like weather, vandalism, and theft. Collision coverage is for damage resulting from an accident with another vehicle or object. Consumer advocates typically recommend a $500 collision deductible unless you have substantial savings on hand. Deductibles are due per incident, so you will have your deductible amount due each time a collision claim is made. If you have a newer model car, you probably want to have full coverage which is comprehensive and collision. . Having appropriate insurance protects your investment in your vehicle and prevents a large out-of-pocket expense if an accident happens. Some older cars still have a fair amount of value so full coverage is a personal decision.
Facts To Know Before You Purchase A Car Insurance Policy
You will want the least expensive insurance policy that protects you from injuries or accidents caused by default in the case of accidents, vandalism, and weather-related incidents when you buy full coverage. A few of the facts to know before purchasing.
- Understand How Insurance Rates Are Determined.
- Inquire About Rating Systems Regarding Claim Frequency.
- Understand Rating Factors.
- Ask About Discounts.
- Check For Optional Coverage.
- Check the Competition.
- Verify the Legitimacy Of The Insurance Company.
- Read The Terms And Conditions.
When Will My Deductibles Not Have To Be Paid?
You do not have to pay the collision deductible if you are in an accident with another driver and the accident is ruled his or her responsibility. That driver’s insurance will have to pay for your damages and injuries. You should absolutely call the police, whether the accident was a minor fender bender or a significant crash. If the accident wasn’t your fault, having an official police report will help you hold the other driver accountable for damages and repair costs.
Rollins Insurance represents multiple A-rated insurance companies to make sure we deliver the most competitive rate packages to our clients in Kentucky and Ohio.
Contact us (859-781-7283) for more information or get a free quote!
About Rollins Insurance
Rollins Insurance is an independent insurance agency providing our clients the best prices with the most coverage possible since 2008. We represent multiple A-rated insurance companies to make sure we deliver the most competitive rate packages to our clients in Kentucky and Ohio. We find that most people are under-insured and over-paying when we meet them. We love what we do and our primary business is Personal Auto, Homeowners, and Life and Health insurance. We are a family-owned and managed business that specializes in providing needs-based insurance services.
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